Tenant Consultation

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tenant satisfaction

Tenant Participation

There are a number of way in which tenants can participate in the activities of the Association and give us feedback and input into the topics which are important to them.  We issued a survey to tenants in August 2024 to gather views on participation opportunities and to find out how we can engage with more people to take part.

Please see a summary of responses HERE.

From the information and answers given in the survey, we will now:

  • Begin drafting and consultation on a new Tenant   Participation Strategy based on results.
  •  Answer and address queries raised by respondents through communications such as website, newsletter and social media.
  •  Contact those respondents interested in the Customer Care Working Group and the Management Committee.
  •  Communicate with key partners on some of the wider area issues raised by respondents (e.g. cleansing, road traffic management).
  •  Look at how we communicate with our tenants and updating contact preferences.

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We will consult tenants and other relevant parties whenever we are writing or revising a policy which affects the way in which our services are delivered. Examples of this would be our Allocations Policy, our Arrears Management Policy and our Anti-Social Behaviour Policy but there are many others.  Generally speaking such policies are reviewed every three years.  We will consult on policies in a variety of different ways which may include organising focus groups, discussing them at our Customer Care Working Group, and issuing written or online questionnaires. We will publicise consultation exercises on our website and via social media.  If you are interested in being consulted on a particular policy please contact Paula McCann at our office on 0141 578 0200 or email: admin@hillheadhousing.org

In addition to policy consultations we also carry out an annual rent review. We will consult with all tenants about any possible changes to rent levels. All tenants will be sent a consultation document which explains any suggested changes and asks for tenants opinions on them. We also provide other ways for tenants to tell us their views such as at drop-in sessions or via online means. This consultation usually takes place during December & January.  Please do take part in this consultation as tenants views are taken into account and passed on to our Management Committee who make the final decision regarding rent levels.